Beloved Doll - Library - Chapter

Mad Libs Stories - The Best Of - Fourteen

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Rating: 8 (2 votes) | Views: 711 | Submitted: June 22, 2008 10:04:09 PM

Army Information

If you plan on joining the army, here are some smelly hints that will help you become a squishy soldier. The army is made up of officers, non-coms and sand fleas. You can recognize an officer by the worms on his shoulders and the baby on his cap. When you address and officer, always say "Flashlight" and salute sincerely. If you get a destructive hair cut, keep your answering machines shines, and see that your anime is cleaned at all times, you will be a credit to the slogan, "The Army builds Chairs." And at roll call, when the scaly sergeant calls your name, shout "I shall rule the world!" loud and clear. Also, become familiar with basic weapons such as the thirty-calibre Houdini and the automatic strategy guide. Follow this advice and in no time you`ll win the flowery conduct tile.


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