Beloved Doll - Art

Shower With Me

Submitted: December 1, 2006       Views: 740       Comments: 0
Rating: 10 (12 votes)
Category: Enomay Revelation

This art piece is available for sale.

|| Enomay Revelation ||
Image #337

This image was completed in May 2005. As I post it today, it applies to a lot of things that are going on in the current.

Yes, you finally get to see Anime`s full body new design. Yes, he has 6 toes on each foot, and& they are designed in a way where he could still walk but yet his feet could grasp things as well as any hand could. Those who remember Anime`s old design really well, will notice something about him.

The eyes. Look at the eyes.

They are not the angry eyes they once were. They are...sad...hurt...wondering...searching...

There were complaints (from the very few who got to see this a while back) that the angry eyes are what defined Anime, that with these new eyes, he lost his "character."

There is a lot of reasons why Anime`s eyes were changed to these more depressive appearances. This image, being one of the many that show Anime with these eyes, has a lot to say about the current time. Yeah, I guess with my art I was predicting my feelings of when these images would be posted. Funny, huh?

I`m not going to give away all the answers, that`s part of what my art is about, getting the viewer to think about what my messages are in my art. This one...This one with Anime in the shower...

He is in the nude. The shower is partially open. He`s sitting on the floor, with a hand on the wall. Those eyes looking at you with a bit of innocence. He isn`t faced front or completely has his back to you. Who remembers what was said about the enomay`s tail body language? Yes, you even have to look at the posture of his tail. You must look at every element of the image to see what it is the artist is telling you. What does this one say to you?

The entire shower stall, walls, floor, everything...Is all completely done in photoshop. The only traditional art that was done in this image was the drawing of Anime itself. I`ve been told that this is the best art I`ve produced, even looking at the current ones I`ve done. But what do you think?

May 2005
Photoshop 7


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